

Finally I can convert those Japanese Characters and Kanjis into GIFs. Since it is nonsense to introduce this part of the game without letting you see those characters, I've spent months to find out the clue. The solution: a PowerMac, MacBlue Telnet, and GIF Converter.

Before going on, the GIFs are arranged as follows:

					|======= Light + Light

		|======  Light	========|

		|			|======= Light + Dark


		|			|======= Dark + Light

		|======  Dark	========|

					|======= Dark + Dark


What's Class Change

It is the unique feature of Seiken 3. Class change lets you increase your strength, and learn new skills and magics. Since you cannot change your mind once your class is changed, so think twice before deciding. This page allows you to know what you'll get in all the classes.

Class is divided into two attributes: LIGHT and DARK, just as described above. Light class tends to learn attacks/magic with light attributes, and so does the dark class. The system allows you to perform a 2-stage class change: the first one at Level 18 and the second at Level 38 (it's written in the Imperial Library in Forsena). To perform class change, stand in front of a Mana Stone or the central Mana Statue in the Mana Sanctuary.

For the final class change, you should also bring a special item in front of the Mana Statue. To get this item, you should firstly find ??? Seed (??? no Tane) by opening the treasure boxes after a battle. Mostly you'll find it when you found Pedan, the hidden city. After getting the seed, plant it in an inn, and check what the item represents by seeing it in the circular menu. I'll tell what those items represents later.

Mostly, your attack power will be greater if you choose the same attribute in the two class changes (LIGHT + LIGHT or DARK + DARK), but you'll learn less magics/skills (and vice versa if you choose different attributes).

Thanks a lot to the Taiwan newsgroups for the information.

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