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Before entering Maia, your party will suggest you to go to Forsena, the Heroic Kingdom, and find the King there. He knows where the remaining spirits are.

The Golden Passage

Leaving the yacht, you enter Maia, the Free City. There's a Golden Passage outside the City which leads to two places: Forsena through the Crack of Earth and Baysel, the Commercial City. There's also a Cannon House in Maia, but you can't use it right now.

In the past, the Golden Passage was a popular passage for trade between Baysel and Maia. However, now it is full of monsters, and so no one uses it. Fully equip your squad and start yor journey to Forsena.

The passage is quite long, so do reserve your HP. In the middle, there are two ways you can go: to Crack of Earth in the cave, and Baysel in the south. Since you've decided to go to Frosena, you go inside the cave. There's a gray Mana Statue inside (you can't refresh your HP and MP under a gray statue, but you still can save your game).

There's a hanging bridge on the Crack of Earth that leads to Frosena. However, it is now occupied by the soldiers of Artena, the Magical Kingdom. They'll use 3 Magical Robots to stop you from crossing the bridge.

Boss time now. They don't have much HP, but their magical attack is quite strong. So do reserve your HP. You've beaten two of the Robots, but the last doesn't disappear ever after you've beaten it.

"They've beaten the robots, what should we do?" one soldier says.

"Never mind. Leave the last one and let's move to Forsena." another says.

Actually it's a bomb! It explodes and destroys the bridge. Fortunately you don't fall into the Crack. But you can't go to Forsena. What should we do?


Remember the Cannon House in Maia? So you go back to Maia and visit the Cannon House. The man inside lets you use the Cannon. "OK! Let's go ......... Uh, almost forgotten. I forget to get the Fire Powder. But I don't know where to get it."

You disappointedly leave the House. "Let's ask the people in Maia about the Fire Powder." You say. Luckily, there's an old man who knows that.

"The Dwarfs living near the Crack of Earth have the Fire Powder. But ordinary people can't see the entrance to the cave they're living." the old man says.

So you go back to the cave. Cast the Light Spirit under the Mana Statue and it'll make the way to the Dwarfs. (You call rest in the cave). One of the Dwarfs holds the Fire Powder but he doesn't give it to you. Chase the Dwarf until you reach the end of the cave (The journey is quite long, so be well prepared). The Dwarf is scared by the giant mouse, and you gotta beat it to gain the Fire Powder. Boss time again, and this boss is quite hard to beat at this level. Anyway, if you've beaten it, the Spirit of Earth will come out and join you, and you'll also get the Fire Powder.

Mission acomplished, and you go back to the Cannon House in Maia. Get inside the Cannon, and fire towards Forsena!

That's all this time, folks!

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