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Father of Mine...

Mihrage Willhauck

The weight of the heavy steel in his arms as he walked the short distance from his house to where he and his father used to practice. Used to. Though the bark of the trees still bared the marks of many joyful days they were soon diminshing.. Fading away.

Billy stared up at the tree as he looded his gun. Father. Why did father leave him? BIM! Primera? BOOM! Mother? KABLAM! The smoking gun dropped to his side as he breathed the heavy breaths that allowed him to regain his mind enough to hear footfalls behind him. Cocking the hammer of the gun though not raising it he turned slowly around, his silver-hued hair flashing in the sunlight and giving him the appearance of well-tempered steel.

"..." and a soft caring smile was all the intruder upon this part of his world said. She had the same silver hair as her brother, but she is young. Primera would never understand exactly why Billy would come to this particular spot of the forrest. 'I thought you would come here' her eyes seemed to say as she closed the distance between them and took a seat on an old rusted block of metal. There were many such things around, obviously from former gear battles.

"Primera.." He said crouching down beside her, his blue cape whipping about at the sudden wind and he held the gun closely to him. "Do you remember father?"


Billy smiled, he was the only one he knew that could talk to Primera though she doesn't say a word she speaks so much. Her eyes, her face, the corners of her mouth, the movements of her hands and head. They all spoke books to him and he was glad, even the good Bishop Stone could not tell what Primera is thinking. "It's p