
Tempest - Artwork
12.16.2000 First Artwork
I think it's horses People do look like their pets Is that Sephiroth?
A temple of some sort Angel Anne Millennium Angel Cordelia Buckingham
Angel Elizabeth Pandragon Angel Jane Shore Angel Katharine Spancer
Angel Lina MacLorchlain Angel Marie Pandragon Angel Ophelia Buckingham
Angel Zard Anne with a gun I don't know who he is
Cordelia Elizabeth Emilio
Jane Katharine Lina
Marie Ophelia Richard Pandragon
Sharn Hoiste Zard Where's Charlie?
Anne - Standing Tall Anne - Weird Swimsuit Cordelia - She looks unhappy
Cordelia - Waaaahhh!!!!! Elizabeth - So happy!!! Elizabeth - I'm so shy
Jane - Cruella De'Vil Jane - Scared ya Katharine - Happy warrior
Katharine - Profile shot Lina - Is she a nun? Lina - A happy nun?
Marie - Karate chop Marie - I will kill you! Ophelia - So sad
Ophelia - Always sad Zard - Where's my mouth? Zard - I'm so cute
Anne Sketch Cordelia Sketch Elizabeth Sketch
Jane Sketch Jane, is that you? Katharine Sketch
Marie Warrior Sketch Marie, nonwarrior Ophelia Sketch
Marie Warrior Sketch Marie, nonwarrior Zard Sketch
Angels Angel #1 Angel #2
Emilio Sketch Lina Sketch A Kiss
Elegant Anne Street Rat Anne Scared Cordelia
Dancing Cordelia Dancing Anne A wedding for Eli?
Very traditional Katharine Dancing Anne Warrior Katharine
Very traditional Katharine Warrior Katharine Lina Sprite
Dancing Marie A dipping Marie Scholarly Ophelia
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