The Lunar: Magic School Walkthru Ver 0.7 By Zhang Jiaming Author's Forward. I have tried my best to put together a walkthru for this game so that other non Japanese speaking people like myself can enjoy this installment of the Lunar series. However as I know no Japanese, all explanations are taken from other people and are therefore possibly misinterpreted by me. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the explanations but I can say that to the best of my knowledge they are correct. If you know otherwise, please tell me so I can change it. Same with any information on this site. If you know something I don't please share it with me so that I can put it up here for everyone to see. I'll give you all the credit you want. Honest. The big difference between this and the text based version is that I try to put as many pictures here as possible. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures now so a few character potraits will have to do. More will come in the next few updates when I receive contributions from a few sources. Until then, please excuse the poor graphic content. PLEASE READ THIS PARAGRAPH!!! It has also come to my attention that it is possible to learn combination spells during battle by having characters cast particular spells on the same enemy during the same round. Although I am currently experimenting with the spells, I have not found one yet. Should the correct spells be used an EXTRA message will appear after the battle along with the experience points. This is the name of the spell which you can learn but you must speak to the principal to learn it. If you find any combinations can you please tell me? I will be making a special section for self-learned combination spells soon and if you contribute anything I will give you credit for it. Remember, sharing of knowledge is the only way to learn things you missed. Credits. It must be mentioned that almost everything here has been given to me by other people. How else can a non-japanese speaker be able to write anything that looks remotely like a walkthru? These are the people whom without, this walkthru would never have been possible. 1. Ben Wood - The fluent speaker of Japanese on the Lunar mailing list and message board. Ben has helped me immesurably and tirelessly by explaining what has happened and telling me where I missed spells. Without him more than 80% of this walkthru would not be here. 2. Nick - This friendly guy, convinced me that Lunar: Magic School was good and gave me the courage to ignore all the bad reviews which I've come to realise were greatly exzaggerated. He is also the one who has offered to contribute some nice pictures when his exams finish. Good luck for your tests, Nick! 3. Forte - For being the first one to give me feedback and ensuring me that people actually read this walkthru. His praise fueled my desire to improve this walkthru and he is also the one who gave me an idea for a web page and the result is what you're reading now. 4. Locke - This friendly guy on the Sega Saturn Game Shark Message Board, has been most helpful with providing me with codes to make checking the walkthru much easier despite having a demanding job. Without him, this walkthru would have taken much longer to revise from the original version. 5. Keeping with the rules of the Geocities web site, the author wishes to express his gratitude to this organisation to allow him to use put up this page on their web. If you want to set up your own page, I recommend that you come here. 6. The people of Game Arts and all the people who helped to create the universe we know as Lunar: The Silver Star. 7. Working Designs for without them, I would never have been able to learn about Lunar. My first knowledge of Lunar came during the fiasco when they decided to can further Saturn production. So in a way, I owe my knowledge of Luanr to them. Revision History 14-12-97 Walkthru completely revised and explanations added for every section. Chapter 5 has been temporarily taken down, pending an appeal for explanations. 16-12-97 Chapter 5 added to the walkthru. Chapter 6 almost done, only have to wait for some more explanation. 26-12-97 Sorry for the delays, was wrestling a powerful flu. Anyhow, here's chapter 6. But don't expect chapter 7 out soon unless I get hold of some explanation. If not, it'll be up in about a week without explanation. Just a 'to-do' list. Prolouge: The apple harverst with Elie(left) and Lena(right). The game begins with a movie of the villian of the game walking along a tunnel with a lantern. He stops by a locked door and mouths a complicated incantation. The door opens and he enters to find a single green jewel. The villian takes the jewel and says that he has finally found it before breaking into evil laughter. On the brighter side, the movie shifts to a apple harvest, where many children and adults alike are gathering apples. A close up of Elie and Lena are seen before the movie ends. Elie Lena Lena comments that the harvest has been good this year and Elie agrees. Just then an old man walks up and asks for directions to a nearby cave. The girls are startled by his sudden appearance and jump in surprise. Just then, Lena's father asks Elie to help him pick some apples which are too high for him to reach. When Elie shows her unique ability to fly, the old man is amazed and comments that it is impossible for normal people to do that. Lena remarks that it is a gift. The girls then direct the old man to the cave. Once at the cave we are treated to another movie This movie shows the villain walking up to a large cavern where a single pillar is. Raising the jewel he demands for the being's power. Outside the cave, a large fortress rises out from the ground and floats out to sea. The girls stare in amazement. The old man then remarks that he is a talent scout from the Lunar: Magic School and he would like to invite them to come as students. Lena gets her father's permission and accepts this invitation along with Elie. Chapter 1: You get control of your characters at this point and I think that it would be a good idea if we go through the controls at this point which are in Japanese. If you are unfamiliar with them, playing Lunar: Magic School will become irritating very fast. Pressing 'A' or 'Start' will bring up the menu where there are several options. The 'heart' is the icon for 'status'. Selecting this icon will bring up the status of a member of your party. Moving the controller left and right will select the status of other members of your party. The bottom left numbers on your status screen indicate expreience points. The figure at the top is the total amount of exp you have accumulated in the game and the lower figure is the amount of exp you need to level up. This figure will decrease as you gain experiance. Level Upping will recover all your HPs and MPs. The 'wand' icon is the icon for 'magic'. This icon will show you the spells you have learned. If you select this you will realise that Elie has no knowledge of spells at this point of time even though she has MPs. This is not a mistake, she will use them when she learns her first spell later in the game. Lena on the other hand has two spells. Heal minor and Revive. Although spell descriptions are in another section of my page, for those who just saved this page 'as is', heal minor will recover HPs for a single character. The amount will increase as your level increases. Revive will allow a character who has been knocked unconscious in battle to fight once again. The final icon is 'options', once this is selected three more options will appear. The topmost means 'save'. You can use this to save into the Sega Saturn's internal or external memory a maximum of 5 games. The second one is 'load'. Use this to load a previously saved game. The last one is 'more options or preferences'. Three selections are present here. The first one toggles the sound between Stereo and Mono. The default choice is Stereo. The second adjusts message speed. The rightmost option is fastest and the leftmost option is slowest. The third option stands for manual or automatic. This command is only effective in battle and will be explained when we enter the battle filled areas. The 'C' button initiates conversations and allows you to search. Although money and items are no longer in the game, there are occasions where you have to search so do not ignore this button. By default, button 'B' automatically cancels or says no to a command in any situation. Now that you know the controls we can proceed. This is where all the people who have been invited to join the Magic School are. They, like you, have been told to come here and wait. Talk around a bit if you want, then head to the house where you'll find three boys. Talk to the center guy and they'll tell you that they are in a rush and charge at you. These rude and annoying guys will be present thoughout your school life and will ,more often than not, make life difficult for you. Lena is angry at their behavior as seen by the storm clouds. This is a sign of anger. I have yet to realise what the glowing head or lines on the head mean. If you know what these symbolise, please tell me. Go out and talk to the guy next to the door. Just to your right and you'll see a movie of the three boys teasing a half-beast girl about her beastlike appearance. Lena prompts Elie to interfere and they walk towards the boys. The boys then pick on Lena's height and call her short. She doesn't like that much but before things can deteriorate, we see why you are all told to wait here to be taken to the school. The Lunar: Magic School is on a floating island which is now docking at this area. The boys annoying the girls The students gather in front of the bridge and the three boys rush ahead knocking down the person who had come to welcome the new students. Following their cue, the other students rush ahead too, stampeding the guy. At this point, the helf-beast girl calls to you and introduces herself as Senia. She makes friends with you and joins your party. She has two lightning blot spells. The 6 MP one has small range and damage wheras the 15 MP one hits all enemies and has powerful damage. Senia Walking up to the guy, Elie tries to see if he's all right but he bounces up and beckons them on. You'll go though a small corridor where a man asks if you're new students and directs you to the school which is straight north from this point. Walk a little further and you'll be on the map. Senia when she first meets you. The welcoming committee at the bridge. Now that random battles may take place, we will go into the battle options. When a battle starts two commands appear, 'fight' on the right and 'run' on the left. Running ends the fight if you're successful but gives you no exp. Choosing the fight option will initiate the battle options. The leftmost option is normal attack. The character will run up and hit the monster. There is no movement here so you will always reach the chosen target. The bottommost option is run. This is different as it only makes that character leave the battlefield. This is useful in the sense that should the character be successful there are fewer people to divide the exp points gained with, thus allowing you to concentrate on particular characters. Especially weaker ones. The topmost option is defend. This increases the chance of avioding any attacks for one round. It is worth noting that spells can also be avoided. You may move this character to defend at any particular spot in the battlefield. This is useful when the monsters you are fighting have area specific spells like Senia's 6 MP lightning bolt. The greatest power of the defend option is that it recovers your MP!! The amount is higher as you level up. The center option is magic. This will bring up a screen of all the spells the character knows. This option is invalid when a character does not know any spells. Elie's magic option is blank. The rightmost option is listed as ???. This is not a typo error but merely a small secret which the game will explain in the later chapters. Do not worry about this at the moment, you'll use it when the time comes. Now that you know your way on the battlefield, level up fightning is never a useless thing. However, most of your level upping will occur as the storyline progresses so it isn't absolutely necessary. Though I will admit that getting up to level 10 in chapter 1 makes the game much easier. Anyhow, head up as you were directed by that man and you should see a few buildings to your right eventually. This is your school. Go in and no more fighting will occur. Here I will leave it to you to explore around as that is one of the most fun things about RPGs. So I will limit myself to general tips. Firstly, I recommend that you see the principal first. To reach his home, go straight across the bridge and into the first house. You should see a blue haired woman to the right if you're in the right house. Don't talk to her yet, instead go up the stairs and talk to the principal. He will tell you that to learn anything in this school, you must find a teacher to apprentice yourself to. Now go downstairs and talk to the blue haired woman and she'll heal you. This is where to go if you're injured. Now after seeing the girl bang herself on the wall. You are free to explore. The healer and the required scene you need to see. The principal.You'll learn to recognise him. As you explore, keep an eye out for the teachers of the various divisions. The school of martial magic, you'll know it when you see all the swords, basically is seriously chauvinistic. The teacher there says that girls aren't cut out for his school and that he is looking for 'real men'. This annoys Senia and between her and Lena they convince him to give you a trial. He sends you to his cave of trial where you will get your butt kicked. Do not worry, there's no way you can win here. Instead of seeing 'Game Over' or the Japanese equivelent you'll find yourself back in the dojo where the teacher says that he will not accpet you as his students. The teacher of the school of martial magic. The school of singing magic, you'll recognise it by the choral singing in the background, requires one to have the ability to direct magic with ones voice. Put simply, you must be able to sing. She tests you by asking you to sing a short melody. Elie sings okay but Lena sings horribly. She insists that it was an exception and tries again. However nothing changes. When the teacher tells her to look for another school, she runs out of the building. Follow her and you'll see her venting her frustration on a tree. The library is where the librarian is. He asks you to help him retrieve a book on the second floor but I still haven't found any significance of this. Whatever, after finding the book and its illuision, go to the librarian who will tell you that his students have to read books from morning to night. Elie seems enthusiestic but she is quickly silenced by Lena and Senia who do not like doing that. The library. Looks messy, huh? There is a chemist who will show you a little about chemistry. The end result is that the mixture explodes consistantly and Lena is not impressed at all by this branch of magic. Therefore, you decline to be students of this teacher. The chemist. Watch out for volitile chemicals!! The inventor will show you his latest invention, a flying machine. However, this just bombs out. Once again you fail to be impressed with this branch of magic and leave. Now these are the teachers of the magic school and along with the healer and principal, they make up the important people in the Magic School. You should talk to them all. After which you should speak to everybody. The gist of the conversation is that there is something mysterious to both the east and the west. The clothes shop but I can't find anything important here!! Should you go to the pond, speak to the leader of the boys twice and they will run off. They tell you that if they do not find a teacher they will be expelled. As will you. That is why they are in such a hurry all the time. Now that you have explored the school throughly, you can get your first spell. Remember that some people said that there was something mystertious to the east? Well they also mention that the Talent Scout stays somethere there too. Should you visit him after speaking to everybody, he will give Elie her first spell. For those who can't find his home, here is a short guide to his home. Exit the school by heading right. Once outside the school, head south and cross a bridge. Once you have crossed the bridge, head right until you see another bridge. Go up this bridge and you should see another bridge to your right. This is where his house is. The spell he gives Elie is 'Flame Explosion' and will damage a single character. Like all spells, its power increases as you level up. Should you want to do some level up fighting and exploring on your own, please note that there are areas which are meant for later chapters of the game. Going there will mean fighting monsters which can decimate your party with a single hit and only take 1 point of damage. Remember these areas and come back later when you're supposed to. The best place I've found to level up is the forest to the south of the school. Go out of the school to the right, down the bridge and head right till you see a very green section to the south. Go inside and you'll find a 'dungeon'. The enemies here are not too tough and you'll be able to fight em off and level up easily enough. Level 10 is a good number but as I said before this is not necessary unless you want the game to be easier later or you just want to get a 'feel' of the battle system. Or like me, you don't have the faintest idea what to do!! After getting Elie's spell, go back to the school and go the the house to the far left and up. You should meet the three boys who say that they are going to the west to look for a teacher based on rumours that a teacher is somewhere there. After talking to them you must speak to the two other people in that house then to the healer. After that follow them back to where you originally came from, the place where you went across the bridge to the island. Due south from the west exit of the school. You should see the boys talking a bit, saying that they couldn't find anyone then leave when you talk to them. Go and search the bottom of this area. You'll see that there is a cave which you can go to. (If you didn't talk to all the people in the house and the healer, the cave is blocked). Enter the cave and search for the teacher. Eventually you'll find him and he says that he'll meet you back at the school. He displays an astonishingly bad memory and poor sense of direction during your conversation with him. Now return to the school. Go into the house far left and up. In short the first house you see when coming in from the west. This is where you can find your teacher in the future. He has met the boys and they're already his students. Apparently the teacher has forgotten who you are!! After explaining a bit and some angry comments by Senia and Lena in responce to the boys trying to knock them out of getting a teacher, he finally accepts both you and the boys as his students. I believe this is why Lena faints. Chapter 2: This chapter begins with the girls walking around the school when they see someone flying up in the sky. A movie then starts where Elie flies up and says hello. Unfortunately, the visitor is a witch and a villainess at that too. Therefore she lacks good manners and a friendly attitude. She sends Elie crashing into the ground before disappearing. The movie ends and Lena heals Elie but she's still seeing stars. Go into the healer's home and get healed one more time. After that go and talk to the chemist who will tell you that falling from the sky can be used as an attack if you spin enough. She tires to spin Elie but the attempt doesn't work. She then recommends that Elie ask her teacher if he can use her falling experience to learn a new spell. You see, when Elie was falling, she realised that if he could harness this energy she could use it in a better fashion. Like maybe on some annoying monsters. Now go and speak to your teacher. If you haven't spoken to the chemist yet, you cannot meet your teacher. Someone will say that he's busy or preparing a lesson or something. Anyhow, when you talk to your teacher, you'll ask him if he can help you with that flying sky diver spell. He says he'll check his books. Now a movie begins where your teacher flips open one of his spell books. He is stumbling over the words which describe the proceedure which is necessary to learn the spell. Apparently magical symbols need to be drawn on the caster's body. You can't do that while wearing clothes you see. Elie naively and enthuestically strips off her clothing to the surprise of everyone in the room. (Stop staring at the screen!!!). As the teacher draws the symbols Elie bursts out laughing, saying that it is ticklish. Lena and Senia just sigh. Elie laughing as the teacher draws magical symbols. After the movie, you learn Elie's second spell called 'sky diver'. This works on a single opponent and takes 10 MP. Lena will notice the boys peeking through the window and mention this to Senia. The two girls will then go out and confront the boys. After some heated conversation, Senia socks it to them with a few lightning punches. The boys go off, calling cheeky things as they leave. At this point go to the chemist's home. She should NOT be there. If she is, go and talk around in the library and the other houses a bit. When you find the chemist missing, the people there tell you that she has gone to the forest to gather herbs. By the way, on the section of plants in the right side of the chemist's home. There is a special snapping plant that will only be there for this chapter. Search it and it will bite Lena's nose!! Now feel free to stop by the library where you see that everyone is there for some reason or other. Even the boys! If you go to the school of martial magic you will hear the teacher there saying that all his students have disappeared to the library. I dunno why they're all there. Maybe they're having a cheap sale on books? Anyhow, head to the forest to look for the chemist. It's due south from the east exit of the school. Go down the bridge and look for that weird patch of thick green. That's it. Go in and explore, eventually you'll find the chemist somewhere to the south. Before she can ay anything, a flying monster jumps her. This is the mini-boss but you can beat it without too much trouble. After which, the chemist will thank you and carry on her search for herbs. Go back to school. At this point, go to the library and you'll find that everyone has suddenly disappeared. Senia mentions that she has a bad feeling about this and you'll search upstairs. There you find that the witch has placed the librarian under a spell by evesdropping their conversation. Senia demands that you leave and report to the principal immediately. When you try to leave the library, the witch will confront you just outside. Elie tries to take her on again but she gets knocked into a tree. The witch then disappeares. The screen moves to the healer's home where the healer heals Elie again. At this point, the principal walks in and Lena blabs to him about what she saw. She is not believed and the librarian walks up and denies it. Annoyed, you leave the house. Outside, Lena suggests that the chemist might be able to reverse the effects of the spell with a potion. You agree that this is a good idea and decide to go to the forest again. Before leaving for the forest though, talking to the healer again will give Lena a 'Heal all' spell for one character. It takes up 12 MP. Once you go through the forest again, you'll see both the chemist and the talent scout. The talent scout will say something and the chemist will rush back to prepare the potion. Talk to the Talent Scout and you will get a 'sonic boom' spell for Lena that takes 3 MP. Head back to school and go to the chemist's home. Talk to her and she'll give you the potion. At this point, someone will rush in and say that the school is under attack. Leave the house and you'll find the attackers outside the healer's home. The boys are there too but don't seem to be doing anything productive. If you need to heal, go to the school of martial magic where everyone seems to be hiding in. Some help!! The healer will heal you. Oh, and this is quite funny. Talk to the fighting teacher and he'll beat up a few of his students who are panicking!! Talk to the boys and Lena will punch them around. Maybe she's paying them back for being generally annoying throughout the game?? After which walk up to the monster and you'll fight it. This boss is basically three mini-bosses. You should be able to take them easily enough. Once you finish, go in and you'll see the librarian fighting with the principal. The principal upon noticing you will ask you to run and the librarian will counter that you won't be able to escape. Lena will ask Senia to use the potion and she throws it into his mouth!!! He is rendered unconscious by the potion (or maybe by the impact!!) and the witch shows up and paralyses you. After some conversation with the principal she runs away. Elie flies in pursuit. The screen cuts to the beach where Elie and the witch are locked in aerial combat. Elie seems to be doing better too!! Just when it looks like her luck ran out, the talent scout comes in to lend a spell. Then a movie begins, showing the villian's castle rising from the depths of the water. After some conversation, the witch and the villian decide to work together and they knock Elie into the sea for good measure!! The movie ends and the talent scout pulls Elie to shore. Lena and Senia rush up to see if she's okay and the chapter ends here. Chapter 3: The chapter begins in the classroom. At this point there is no objective you have to acomplish. Take a walk around the school and talk to the librarian and the school of martial magic. The teacher there will give Senia a 'rushing combo' spell that takes 10 MP. After getting the spell go to the back of the school and find someone there, there will be a confrontation between him and the teacher. After which take a trip to the talent scout, who will teacher Lena a Boost Def and Magic Def spell which takes 12 MP. He will talk to you for a bit then head back to school. Now go to the librarian and he should give Elie a 'flame geyser' spell which takes 8 MP. If you can't get it talk around a bit then try again. After that go to the chemist's and she will give Senia something that will make her generate electricity, shocking herself. After that go to the classroom and Senia will mention having the idea for a new spell. Lena backs away while Senia experiments but Elie does not. A burst of electricity surrounds Senia and knocks Elie out. Lena and Senia argue a bit on who's fault it was before Lena heals Elie. The result of this is Senia learns a 'lightning smash' spell. Takes 12 MP. Now your teacher will come in and gather his students together. He tells you that there are three things under the house that he wants you to find for examination. It so happens that the area underneath the house is full of monsters but he says this is a good training experiance for your magic. The three things are a pink rock, a green weed and some special water. The boys head in first and then you follow. A few things you shoudl note first however is that you should heal before going in as you cannot come back out unless you find one of the three items which happens to usually be the rock first. So heal up, save, then go in. The dunegon underneath your classroom. I'll leave you to explore again but this needs mentioning. There is a door above the main entrence that is locked. It talks too!! To get past it, you have to first talk to it, then go down to a man who will tell you how to open it. For ease of writing, I will call him the caretaker. After talking to the caretaker, go back and talk to the door, it will open. You will find three rocks in your travels. This is the rock you seek!! But if you look in your inventory you'll see that it isn't all pink. It needs a bit of purification. Go to the caretaker and he'll purify it for you. Now that you've found one of the three items, you can exit the dungeon to heal. Even better, go to the singing teacher and talk repeatedly, Lena will ask to be allowed to sit for the singing test again. When she flunks again, she learns a new spell called boost!! It takes 12 MP and raises attack and men. Must be her bad singing stimulates anger which in turn increases your attacking power!! Go back to the dungeon and you shoudl meet the boys in your travels, they seem to be having problems with a monster but its none of your buisness so carry on. You will then meet a bookshelf when you try and leave the area, Elie mentions that maybe the special water is behind the bookshelf. Lena tries to move the bookshelf by herself and finally succeeds. Actually the bookshelf is 'moved' for good but there isn't anything behind it. Go down a level and you will eventually find the green weed. Lena will happily toss it up and down before the boys sneak up, knock her out and steal the weed!! Senia gets really angry and goes off in pursuit while Elie tends to Lena. Guide Senia to the boys and watch her blast them away, it's also worth nothing the the boys desert their leader when they realise that they're not going to be able to beat Senia. She even blows a hole through the wall opening up the way to the lower levels. Lena and Elie will catch up with her and at Elie's suggestion, Lena will heal the boys' leader. The boys' leader seeing he's outnumbered runs back up. I sincerely recommend that you go back up to heal. Furthermore, taking the weed to the chemist will give you an 'exploding tree' spell for Lena. So you had better go up. After coming back here, carry on and explore. You may notice that with every lightning bolt spell Senia casts in the new area, there is a rumbling noise combined with some conversation. Basically, there roofs rumbling and the girls are worried that Senia's lightning blots are the cause. They're afraid that she'll bring the house down!! Carry on until you see the water pond. Here is where to boss is, after taking the water a flying head challenges you. He has about 1200+ HP and is extremely vulnerable to Senia's lightning smash!! Take him out and you'll see a movie where the house really comes down. The teacher isn't happy and demands an explanation, Lena pushes Senia up and says that she'll explain it, here are the items for examination and have a nice day!! She then runs off with Elie and leaves Senia to tke the blame. The chapter ends with Senia complaining that it isn't fair!!! Chapter 4: Chapter starts in the domitory. As your house is now dust, you and the boys need a place to stay. This is it. Look around the place and you'll find the boys on the first floor to the south-east. You can't exit until you see your room. Go upstaris and a girl will talk to you. Apparently, the rooms here are all for two people only. So someone in your party has to move out and Senia moves out. Go take a look at your room and some recollections of the times spent in the old house will come to Lena and Elie. Your recollections down memory lane are interrupted by someone coming to tell you that Blade is looking for you. Go downstairs and meet him. You will not get Senia for this chapter. If you talk to the cook, Lena will ask if there is anyway to squeeze three people in a room but she says that there isn't any way. Blade introduces himelf in a movie and tells you to meet him in the school of martial arts. Before going there, you may want to take a look at the inventor's home where Elie will blow up one of his inventions!! And also at the School of Singing Magic where you can play the harp for the first time!! Actually Lena plays it and doesn't it sound *awful*. When you've finished walking around, go to the school of martial magic and Blade's teacher will show you a form of magic called 'combination' or 'team-up' magic. This type of magic is done by two caster combining their magics to further their spells power to levels which would not be possible should the spells be done either individually or consecuetively. Those who play arcade games, think of this as something like the team up supers in Capcom's VS. games. Blade's teacher wants Elie to carry him up and drop him and great speed. However she keeps missing, the first time she complains that he is too heavy. The second time she just mistimes it. Blade's teacher gives up and just tells her to keep practicing, then goes back into the school. At this point, Blade and Lena get into a small argument over male and female equality. Blade then walks away. You will find Blade outside your new home. Talk to him and he will tell you that his teacher is looking for you in the cave of trial. When you go into the cave however, Blade locks you in. He says that he is going to prove that he is stronger than you. He enters the cave as well and locks the door behind him. Nobody is getting out it seems. And in case you haven't figuered it out, Blade was lying the whole time about his teacher wanting to see you. Being a macho idiot, he runs in ahead of you. Chase after him and you should see him getting his butt kicked by a monster. He finally beats it and falls the to ground unconscious, Lena will heal him. Far from being grateful he runs off again. Repeat the chase and heal process and by the end of the first level, Blade will realise that he needs your help and will join you. Blade is powerful and has very offensive spels. Firstly his downward thrust which is sort of like a magic slash, a hail storm which covers the entire battlefield and a power up attack spell which increases the damage he does. He also has the single strongest normal attack among you. After all he is armed with a sword wheras all you do is kick. This cave of trial is a particularily long and annoying dungeon. Full of dead ends and plenty of enemies. There really is no sure walkthru for a dungeon so I'll limit myself to general tips and help on important sections. Firstly, look for the healing statues. There is usually one every level. However, searching for them can be a pain. If you are short of magic, defend. Your MPs will recover. Above all, try not to get lost. The first main section of this cave is a red dragon's cave. Well actually just a small cavern. Here Blade says that this is a test of the 'true man' and that they have to defeat the dragon to prove themselves. The girls aren't that interested in proving themsleves to be 'true men' but the dragon attacks first so you fight him. Defeat him and carry on. Afterwards, you should see small conversations as the party meets small gorillas. The gorillas aren't that storng, they just have a long life. This is basically Elie giving Blade the 'Men and women are equal' arguement and trying to shove it down his throat. Eventually you will meet a HUGE gorilla. This is the boss of the cav of trial. It guards the way out so you have to beat it. Unlike the previous gorillas, it does not immediately attack you. To fight it, you have to touch it. It is recommended that you save here as this fight is tricky. Here is a spoiler space in case you want to take him on yourself * * * * * * * * * * * Your attacks and spells do less than 10+ damage and are generally pathetic. His attacks do plenty of damage. He has a power up attack spell that lets him do over 100+ damage for a single hit!! You do not have the ability to beat him and it is recommended that you defend and move your party to various parts of the battlefield so that you won't be hit by a area attack. After a few rounds, the battle will stop and the game will exit back to the map mode. Elie comments that this opponent is very strong and Blade gets the idea to do the combination spell that his teacher showed them. You have just learned Blade and Elie's first combination spell. 'Sword Dive Bomb'!! The games goes back into the battle mode and you will realise that the rightmost option is now highlighted. The previously '???' is relaced by the kranji for combination spell. Click on this and you will see the spell cost as 11MP this is to both Blade and Elie. Use this spell to finish the gorilla off easily and get Lena to either heal you or boost you. After wiping the floor with him, continue for a short while and you should appear at the school of martial magic. Blade's teacher is impressed with you and takes you outside to show it to you again. Unfortunately, Elie drops him again. Lena makes a naughty comment here about only people with strong feelings for each other can do combination magic. She suggests to Blade's teacher that perhaps the chemist whould be better suited to carry him. The chapter ends with Blade's teacher blowing his top!! Chapter 5: This chapter begins with Elie, Lena and Senia in their room. Lena and Senia are having an argument when a strange mist envelopes the school. The girls decide to go and investigate. As they leave the house, they realise that the mist is indeed very thick. Lena suggests that you ask the principal about it and you head off to the principal's office. On the way you'll realise that if you stop by to call on any teachers, they are not there. You'll soon knoe why. Once you enter the bulilding however, you see a rather large meeting being held by all the teachers and the principal is speaking. You choose to eveasdrop by the side. The main gist of the conversation is that the Magic School is approaching Skull Island.(Your school is on an island so it floats anywhere it wants to!!) The mist surrounding Skull Island is therefore covering the school as well since it is near. Skull island is also haunted as the talent scout says. The teachers are planning to take a trip to Skull Island to seal off the ghosts. You get the idea to tag along and decide to head back to your rooms first. That is where the cook(?) catches you coming in. She is worried that you will go out because it is dangerous outside now and stands by the door to make sure that you don't go out. Talk to the boys a bit and the healer will come and tell the cook that the teachers are going out on an experdition and not to let any of the students out of the house. Approach the cook and Lena will make up a story about something happening to the boys, when she goes to investigate, run out!! Outside you should meet Blade who will join up with you because he says that it is challenging. Once you've got him, take a trip to the chemist's and talk, she will give Elie the 'Asteriod Drop' spell which will prove very useful in this chapter. Now it is time to follow the teachers by going to the bridge from which you first came to the island in chapter 1. For those who are still unfamiliar with their surroundings, exit the school by the west exit and head due south. You will eventually cross the bridge and come to a barren wasteland. Carry on until you come to the teacher's camp. Here you can get healed every time you get injured. This isn't a bad place to train at all, just exit the camp, fight a few battles in which you use up your MPs -- Making it an easy win. Then return to heal up. Lv.24 is a good number. Talking to the singing teacher will give Elie and Lena a 'entice' or 'charm' spell. Basically if this spell works the enemy will fight for you. It takes 6 MP. After speaking to everyone, go left and out of the camp and you should see the ghost ship which the inventor is at. Go to it. Inside a bunch of ghost will comfront you and everyone will wisely retreat except for Lena who is a bit slow. The inventor will then show up and suck all the ghost up with some kind of 'ghostbuster's' weapon. He will also give you a team up spell called 'Lightning Dive Bomb' for Elie and Senia. After which the inventor will walk to the top and stand there. Follow and talk repeatedly to him to get another team-up spell called 'Electric Downward Thrust' for Blade and Senia. Explore the area and look for the ghosts all over the place. For instand after going down *two* staircases head to the left and there will be some spooky white stuff at a dead end. Search that and a ghost will appear. This could have been a small trigger so it is best if you find all that I did in case you don't get the spells!! After a while you will come to a book. Search it, this may be difficult for some as pressing forward will make your character walk away from the book!! Anyhow, the book tells you that this was once a pirate's ship which crashed into Skull Island. You also find a key to the priates' treasure chest!! Now go back to the inventor and talk to him. After finding the key and reading the book, he should give Senia a 'laser beam' spell which takes 7 MP. Now feel free to go back and explore. The next two triggers I found are a dead end where ghosts attack you and a mirror where ghosts also appear and attack you. The dead end is one staricase up from the book and another one down. The area after the book has two staircases one up and one down. You want the one that goes down. This should put you in a dead end, head right and ghosts will attack you after some conversation. The mirror is the staircase up instead of down, search this mirror and Lena's reflection will turn into ghosts. Defeat them and the mirror cracks. Do not open the chest!!! After getting all the triggers, go back to the teacher's camp and Blade's Teacher will teach Blade a 'spinning area slash' skill. Now go back to the ship and open that treasure chest t the top. Immediately after opening the chest and finding a gem and charm, a big ghost will attack you flanked by 4 other normal ghosts. This is the mini-boss. The big ghost is extremely vulnerable to Elie and Senia's team up spell called 'Electric Dive Bomb'. The team up with Blade does lesser damage and Senia and Blade's new team up does ZERO damage!!! The boss has about 3000+ HP. Beat him and head back to the teacher's camp. On the way, talk to the inventor and he'll give Senia a 'Super Laser Beam' spell. Talk to the healer and you will get Lena's 'heal party to maximum HP' spell. Then talk to the librarian and you will get Elie and Senia's second team spell called 'lightning geyser'. This spell will wipe out EVERY normal enemy but do not use it on a boss as the damage is inferior to the normal team spells. This spell takes up 27 MP to both Elie and Senia so use it with caution. A method I apply is to use it until Elie and Senia are totally drained that get Blade and Lena to spell while the defend for ONE fight and do not end the fight until their MPs are back to a good number. Then spell again. Enter the cave and you'll see a boy and girl staring down a hole. They tell you that the mist is coming from this cave and that Blade's teacher has already gone in to seal it off. More precisely he has gone *down*. He fell into that very hole you are looking into and is currently battling untold amounts of monsters!!! Anyhow, explore a bit and at the staircase to the second floor you should meet the boys' party who are all K.O.'ed. Lena will heal them but will 'forget' to heal their leader as she doesn't like him. I'm pretty sure Blade said something about them not being 'true men'. Go up and you'll hear a strange noise. (Hmm. Maybe that's Blade's teacher, teaching a lesson to a few monsters!!) By the forth floor, you'll eventually come to a hole where ghosts and mist is coming out from. There is also a big ghost boss guarding the hole. As usual he is flanked by some smaller ghosts. The most damaging team up spell is again Elie and Senia's 'Lightning Dive Bomb'. Blade and Senia's team up spell is almost the same as the 'Lightning Geyser' the Elie and Senia have. Both these spells are weaker in damage than the 'Lightning Dive Bomb. Blade and Elie's original team up spell does the least damage. Take him out and Lena will try to seal it off with the gem. But nothing happens, Senia jibes Lena that she s too short and tries to do it herself. She even jumps up but nothing happens. Lena tosses the gem away in disgust. Eventually, Senia uses the charm and seals up the hole. Now, Blade's teacher walks in carrying a monster which he had beaten up. He is disappointed as he was expecting to seal off the mist and didn't expect that you would beat him to it. However, he tries to hide his disappointment. Chapter 6: P.S. Sincere Apologies but explanation here is limited as Ben was only able to give me an overview of the plot before he had to leave and I wasn't able to clear a few nitty-gritty details with him but the basic idea of this chapter should be understandable. This chapter starts in Elie and Lena's room. Senia is with them and I must say that she seems to spend more time here then her own room!! Anyhow, go downstairs and you'll see the three boys. Talk to them and they'll say something about mer-people. Go out of the house and the boys will appear and talk some more, then their leader will run out of the door, narrowly missing you. He calls to his friends but they walk out slowly instead of trying to knock you down. Progress I guess. At the Chemist's home a new weed is present in the shelf. I have so far only noticed weeds in chapter 2 that have special functions if I missed any, please tell me. This weed is actually some seaweed with the ability to like and dislike, the chemist says, apparently this weed does not like Lena and proceeds to bite her nose!! Speak repeatedly to the Chemist and she will give you the 'Super Sonic Boom' spell for Lena which takes up 18 MP!! Speak around a little then head off to the docks which are due south from the school and just next to the forest. Go over to the end of the dock and you should see a boat. Search and Elie and her party will take the boat to the mer-people's island. When you finally reach there, Lena will comment on the fresh air and nice white sand. Look around the town and you will find the boys there as well. I really wonder what they're doing here, gotta make it a point to ask more questions to Ben. At the far west and south of the village, you will notice a weed. Look familiar? Yup. It's the emotional weed that bit Lena's nose. Search it and Lena will warn Elie that it is dangerous. However the weed glows yellow which I'm pretty sure is anime-code for happiness. The weed likes Elie and doesn't bite her. Guess she has a great personality huh? Walk up and down the village and you *should* see a boy climbing out of the water and entering a previously deserted house. Speak to him and then leave the village. On the way to the boat you should see a moive of a girl calling to you. She seems to be really friendly. Senia shows her the stone you found in the ship and then everything seems to fall apart. The people there become really unfriendly and are about to attack you. Apparently, the stone you found in the haunted ship was actually an important item which the deceased pirates stole from the mer-people. And now that they see you with it, they think you stole it and they aren't happy. The girl tries to reason with them but they knock her down. Elie and her party takes the nearest boat in sight which ironically happens to be the boy's boat and the boys get caught as a result of that. As the boat leaves for the school, do you notice that the sailing is not at all smooth? Well that is mainly because Lena is sailing and she can't do it well, Elie and Senia correct her every mistake. Once you reach the island, go back to school and talk to the principal. Senia shows him the stone and explains the situation. As she finishes someone comes in and tells them that the healer has been captured by the mer-people. The principal decides that this is too dangerous a situation for students and this annoys Senia who storms off. Follow her outside and talk to her. After the conversation, the talent scout will come and give you the stone and tell you to return it to the mer-people. He also gives you a map which I strongly suspect is to tell you of the alternate route into the Mer-People's island which you will use below. Go back to the docks and take the boat. As you sail to the Mer-People's island, you'll realise that the place has been barricaded. Elie takes to boat into a cave which will eventually lead to the Mer-People's island. Note that you cannot leave the cave by the boat and will have to fight the rest of the chapter. If you try, Elie and Senia will scold Lena for trying to leave. The first level is easy. Nothing to note here. The second level is where you find that nice girl. Apparently they chucked her in here. Lena heals her and she proceeds to go back up. I have no idea how she can do it unarmed and alone. Anyhow, besides this the level is simple. I however encountered one small problem. After you heal the girl go down. I missed the break in the river and wandered the level like an idiot. Just in case you made my mistake. The third level is where you find the trapped healer. Rescue her and she will heal everyone in your party. It is worth noting that she will always heal you so if you're near death come back here!! Also, feel free to train just in front of the healer. The rest in normal. The forth level is where you find the boys. You were in the process of rescuing them when they irritated you. So you lock em back in. Just look at the storm clouds on the boy's leader's head!! The rest is simple. The fifth floor is so-so. The sixth floor is where you find a giant squid guarding the place to put the stone. This is the boss. Lena will politely ask if it will move away but it attacks you. I'm way sick of listing the damage for every team up spell so I'll stick to the most damaging. The spell to use here is Elie and Senia's lightning dive bomb. The damage is 600+. As the Squid has a life of about 6000+, you will need about 10+ hits. After killing the squid, Senia will return the stone. The mer-people will come out now and meet you. They will no longer be angry and be grateful instead. I suspect Lena pushed Senia out of the lime-light thus annoying her. But everyone is so friendly and happy that Senia forgets her anger. Alls well that ends well I suppose. Chapter 7 Don't hold your breath. I need some explanation. Anyone know Japanese? Ben who usually supplies me with explanation will be away for 3 weeks so unless you want a 3 week delay, will all Japanese speaking L:MS owners lend me a hand? BTW, If no help is forth-coming. I will release Chapter 7 anyway without it but it would be so much nicer to understand what happens during a chapter, right? This walkthru was created by