
  Ross Bemrose  

Date of Birth
March 6, 1979
RPGamer Hire Date
September 19, 2001 RPGamer Idol Contestant
RPGamer Position
Music Curator Q&A
Mason, MI
Personal Homepage
Powerlord's Journal
1) Video Games (duh!)
2) Reading
3) Programming
Favorite Movies
1) Spaceballs
2) The Empire Strikes Back
3) Ghostbusters
Favorite RPGs
1) Chrono Trigger
2) Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
3) Final Fantasy IV
4) Final Fantasy X
5) Final Fantasy VI

Powerlord looks like Dr. Eggman/Robotnik.  No, really! I've got the master plan.

   Greetings. I'm Ross Bemrose. As you've already seen, I'm a retread here at RPGamer.

   I'm currently a full-time college student, seeking employment to help with bills. This leaves me with a lot of free time. Time that I've been wasting reading technical documentation. I'd much rather think up new and exciting (or at least somewhat plausible) answers to the querents' questions.

   My first console RPG was one of the early Ultima games on PC, which was a horrible experience, due to the PC technology at the time. Luckily, I played the original Final Fantasy a few years later, and became interested in RPGs. I have continued to play most of the major RPGs. My weak points are Tactical RPGs and RPGs from 2004 and newer.

   I have been visiting RPGamer since it was the Unofficial Squaresoft Home Page (USHP), run by Andrew Vestal. I became RPGamer's Music Curator on September 9, 2001. I remained here until my departure on December 18, 2001 due to other commitments. In addition to my time here, I worked for for 8 years, including 5 years as Webmaster. I departed VGMusic in July 2005 for personal reasons.

   I've also given up my aspirations for World Domination for the moment...

   Last Updated: August 22, 2005


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