
Emil and Marta
Hiro and Lucia
Jensen and Pritchard
Lucian and Lenneth
Lady Hawke and Isabella
Ryudo, Elena and Mellinia
Junpei and Chidori
Hix and Tengaar
Balthier and Fran
Haseo and Atoli
Kalas and Xelha
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"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down."

Banana Yoshimoto

What does it mean to be "the perfect pair"? Does this sentiment relate to an amazing friendship, a passionate romance, or perhaps some bro love? Regardless of your personal definition, what holds most relationships together is love. Love is what keeps the world moving, it gives us reason to make connections, and of course, finding someone who cares deeply about us in return.

In the realm of RPGs there is no shortage of amazing relationship choices. The relationships that have been selected for this feature showcase some of the staff's favourites, as well as the personal connections made in playing the games. This is not a list of the best relationships, just the ones that genuinely touched in a memorable way.

Author Kate DiCamillo wrote in her novel The Tale of Despereaux that "love is a powerful, wonderful, ridiculous thing, capable of moving mountains." Relationships are powerful emotions that make us feel as though we are capable of doing anything, loving those around us to the point of obsession, and showing us that it is a part of who we are.

My dear readers, I invite you to share in our feature your favourite couples. What relationships have touched you over the years? Please tell us about your "perfect pairs" on our forums, Twitter, Facebook... we'd love to hear your thoughts.

Author's Note: Huge thank you goes out the staff for their wonderful write-ups and their proofreading efforts. Special thanks to Sarah McGarr for her lovely banner!

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