
Fan Fiction

Updater on duty: Lisa Neff
Currently reading: The Perfect Storm, re-reading Wuthering Heights
Current projects:The Slayers Experimental Fandub, summer homework (gah!)

Notes, announcements, etc.

Hello everyone ^-^ Guess I better put together a decent intro. I'm the newest fanfic section associate, Lisa Neff, otherwise known on the RPGamer boards as Marlin. I've been helping moderate the RPGFFML for awhile, and now I'm glad to help out in the fanfic department! ^-^ Anyways... 

Unlike Roger, I have no funny intro for you today. Unlike Matt, I won't be plugging any movies. However, I am promoting the fics chosen for the update this week, mwahahah! Um.

*sweatdrop* Nice mixture of things, from Chrono Trigger to Final Fantasy 8 and Star Ocean 2, so enjoy!

Fanfic Follies

Um, there's this thing called "paragraphing" ^-^ It makes stories a lot less confusing to read.Please try and separate your story into appropriate paragraphs. Thanks.

General pet peeve: Avatars.

That's it for this week. ^-^ 

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Lisa Neff

New Fan Fiction - Thursday, August 10, 2000
Chrono Trigger, Star Ocean, and Lunar, oh my!
By: Alberto McKelligan Hernandez
(Chrono Trigger) It's refreshing to see a fanfic detailing a character whom seldom seems to be heard about - Schala.
Edgar Sat on his Throne and Thought
By: D.N. Austen
(Final Fantasy 6) A simple title, yet...a complex, well-written fic detailing Edgar's thoughts on the coin toss and his relationship with Sabin in general.
Fortune's Whim
By: April
(Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete) An original piece about Royce as she ponders the future and fate in general as she waits for Nash to arrive and make his report in Meribia.
Love of Flight
By: Matt Essig
(Final Fantasy 7) As much as I disliked Cid from FF7 (yes, that's right, I hated Cid ^-^), this fic stands out as a unique selection, focusing on Cid's thoughts as he considers whether he should go back and help the group in their final battles.
Sacred Songs
By: Sarah
(Star Ocean 2) Not just one, but many poems, each one focusing on an individual character from Star Ocean 2, showing their motives and thoughts creatively.

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