
Fan Fiction

Updater on duty: Amber Michelle
Currently reading: Fanfics, text books, etc.
Current projects: This project-list would bury the state of Texas.

Notes, announcements, etc.

Well again, I don't have much to say -- I think I'm too busy to do much contemplation on my own rantings...... ^.^

There are fewer fan fics than normal in this update, but never fear -- that will be remedied soon. We've finished sifting through most of the maybe fics -- which is why the number there on the sidebar reads "2", of course. Letters will go out to those people, hopefully, though keep in mind that it has to be done manually, so it might not be as quick as you'd like.

Also, as you may have noticed, we have a new assistant editor on our team -- Matt Scipione. He's been speaking with us for quite awhile, and he's very persistent, let me tell you...... ^_~ We finally agreed to check him out, and after grilling him with every question we could think of, it was decided that he could join the team. So, welcome, Matt! Enjoy your new fame and fortune! (Well, fame, anyway......)

Special note:
The winner of Alanna's "Spot the Reference" game from last week was Leah,, who correctly identified it as a line of the Player's from Tom Stoppard's play _Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead_. The full line is "We're actors! We're the opposite of people!"

Fanfic Follies

  • Uninformative submissions:
    This actually isn't quite what it seems. It's related to a submission I recently received, actually -- name and specifics will not be mentioned, of course.

    Please, as stated in the guidelines, include everything you think we'll need to know about you, and your fan fic. If I get something with "Here" in the subject line, no letter, and a document I can't read, I'm not going to be very happy -- and that goes for all of us. Needless to say, it would be returned, since anything else is impossible.

    Please also be sure that you send your stories to, and not to us seperately, or it will be returned with instructions for resubmitting. Questions related to submission, but not submissions themselves, are to be directed to

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    b6 in "accept"
    b2 in "maybe"
    b19 in the Inbox

    bMatt Scipione
    bRoger Ostrander
    bZachary Knoles

    Amber Michelle
    Amber Michelle

    New Fan Fiction - Sunday, January 23, 2000
    Fan fics are chosen randomly -- we're all too tired to do more than pick a few stories and fall on our faces in exhaustion.
    Conspiracy of the Cult
    By: Elaine Pedee
    (Crossover) This is a Final Fantasy crossover -- and although it's long, it's worth reading. It focuses mainly on Kain, and a quest to atone for his deeds in FFIV.
    By: Laura Cullem
    (Final Fantasy IV) This is getting to be a more popular game...... I need to create another page for it. ^_^ This is a poem, and unfortunately it's too short for me to comment on, without ruining the effect. So go read it. ^_^
    By: Frodo
    (Kartia) For once, I can't comment because I haven't played the game! This story, from what little I do know of Kartia, appears to contain spoilers, so beware.
    By: Tawnie Thiessen
    (Final Fantasy VI) This is, of course, a poem about Terra! It takes place near the beginning of the game, but anything else I say about it will make reading it somewhat redundant, so take a look.
    Will You Remember Me?
    By: Irwin Kwan
    (Final Fantasy VIII) Someone has a lot of fans! This is a wonderful account of Quistis's life and background at Balamb Garden -- it contains spoilers for Disc 1, but only until after the party. Take a look!

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