Chapter 6

....Nothing lasts forever. I knew that I wouldn't be on Gaia forever, I'd have to leave sometime, though it would really hurt to leave Zidane behind. It took two weeks for Zidane to really get himself together and get over that disappointment, but when he did...he made the decision to go back to Lindbulm...and rejoin Tantalus. Well, wouldn't you know that Murphy's Law...that is, "if anything can go wrong, it will" decided to rear its head just a little bit? Yep. Those creeps finally decided to rear their ugly heads one more time, and this time I got a bit tied up and couldn't help. Not only that, they finally identified themselves...and Zidane didn't like it one bit (he'd met them before with the other members of Tantalus. It wasn't a friendly meeting, I gather) Zidane managed to pull one heck of a surprise out of a hat and saved both our butts. He startled me, but I was glad that it happened.
...I'd decided that no matter what, I was gonna make sure Zidane got back safe. He did, but I'm not sure about Baku. Boy, I understand a spanking, but...that was excessive. Alanna wasn't kidding when she said that "Baku's rough". Nora confirmed that Zidane's gonna be okay, though, so I'm not that worried.
...Saying goodbye was kinda painful though, it always is...especially in this case. I had known from the beginning I was going to really let my guard down and let Zidane see who I really am, not the cold mercenary that most people see (other than my friends and Tifa). But ahh, it was really hard to leave...
~~From Cloud's journal

Two weeks passed after that rainstorm. One day after the usual practice session (Zidane was getting better and better all the time) Zidane tapped Cloud on the shoulder after they practiced the mental discipline.



"I've been thinking. I don't really belong here."

"I understand." No kidding. I'm a bit weird, I wasn't raised here, and this isn't his "Promised Land". Aeris mentioned once that the "Promised Land" is not just a place, it's where you feel most at home. She also said after I got back that one time that one could find a piece of it before one dies if you're lucky. That's what he needs to get to...if he can find it.

"Well, I've been thinking. I bet Baku is worried about me; I left without telling him where I was goin'. I miss Blank and the others too. I's time to go back to Lindbulm and see if I can't rejoin Tantalus." He looked kind of resigned.

Um...guess this seemed to be his only option. Or the best one, I hope that's the case. "It'll be a couple of days, I'd like to get Alanna to help and I'd like to come along. One has to give the landlord a couple of days notice."

"Hmmm? Why?"

"First off, Alanna has an airship..."

"Aha! Easy way to get back, then..."

"Yup. Also, I just wanna escort ya home. Once ya get with Tantalus again, I doubt those stupid bullies'll bother you again. Then I gotta leave."

"Leave? Why?"

Cloud knew that Zidane thought that 'the powers that be' could yank him away at any time. Shame I'm gonna have to lie, but it's either that or mention the Guardian... "I don't know when the 'powers that be' are going to yank me away. I'd rather part on my terms, and not you go over to wherever I'm staying and find out the place's abandoned..."

Zidane nodded. "Shall we go ambush Alanna?" he said.

"Good idea." That's exactly what they did; Cloud also found the landlord and gave him the notice that he was vacating.

A day passed; Cloud worked on getting rid of the furniture and stuff. He kept some of the dishrags (they were better than the ones he could get at home; all he knew is a knitter in the market made them) and a blanket, though. The beds and the table and chairs would go just before they left. That day, they went out to get a few supplies...basically stuff to put together a lunch, since it wouldn't take more than the morning to get to Lindbulm, Alanna had said. This time, Zidane had decided to come along. As they got some rolls, it seemed something occurred to Zidane, for he looked straight at Cloud and asked:

"Cloud? You said something earlier that you threw Sephiroth in that...erm, pool..."


"How did you find the strength to do that?"

"I dunno. I was just so mad..."

"Mmm. Maybe it's a case of you were in a jam and it was pure desperation or something..."

Out of the mouths of babes...Well, that can be one way of looking at it. "That's a possibility, and a very good one."

Just then, they were walking by a dark alley. Without any warning whatsoever, a lasso sailed out and landed right over Cloud's head. It slipped down, then pinned his arms to his body. Just as that happened, a net landed on Cloud as well. Uh oh!, Cloud thought. Should of remembered that dream last night...I think Nora was trying to warn me about THIS... He struggled to get loose, but it was no use. Whoever had the other end of the lasso had tied it so it was tight and had laced it through the net in the first place. Not to mention, they'd tied it somewhere were it was taut and it was a VERY strong rope; Cloud couldn't break it. Then Zidane's old familiar tormentors jumped out...this time with a few adults as well.

"Uh oh, it's the Tronark Gang! They hate Baku and the rest of the gang for some reason..." Zidane yelled.

"Right you are, little monkey boy. Now you're gonna pay!" said one guy that seemed to be the leader. Oh noooo! I'd better try a spell, quick! He tried, but someone was watching for that because they whapped him in the head quick with something painful. That caused him to see stars for a second. That distracted him enough that it stopped him from casting any spells. This's quite a mess! How am I gonna get out of this one?

Zidane was kind of busy at the moment; three or four people had jumped on him. He was doing a lot better than before he met Cloud, but it didn't mean he didn't worry. Cloud! Oh no! Out of the corner of his eye, they saw them whack Cloud again and again with a very heavy stick. They're hurting him! And he can't hit back! Those cowards! It made him slightly upset...not to mention, he could feel...a hot, fiery anger...bubbling up inside him. Oh, Zidane had been mad before. But! It felt a lot different, not to mention a lot more dangerous...He stuffed it down deep inside him; his teachers had told him a thousand times that "Don't ever let anger get control of you in a fight! It will kill you!"

But the fight went on. Block, whack, hurt them, don't let them hurt you...there was no way for him to get away, Zidane had noticed they'd cut off all ways to escape a bit earlier. He heard Cloud cry, "Oof!" and noticed that they'd not only kicked him this time, but someone had gotten out a knife and got Cloud in the face.

Cloooud! Oh no! Will Tifa get to see you again? He remembered the picture that Cloud carried around; Cloud had described Tifa so well that he knew what she'd really looked like (not black and white). She'll cry! She'll never laugh again if he never comes home! Nooo! He felt like his heart was about to tear in two! Just then he got knocked down because he was distracted. He managed to scramble away with only a slight nick. However, that awful anger grew inside him, like a living thing. It wouldn't stop growing either; every time he didn't quite manage to block a blow (which was just part of a fight) or someone smacked Cloud again, it grew worse; it was getting hard to hide it inside. As it grew worse, he noticed...something odd. There was something...deep inside his soul...that seemed to be awakening, like a cat waking up from a very long sleep. It stretched. It then began to fight to get free. That fact worried Zidane a bit, but he was able to ignore it. Someone hit Cloud again, then whacked him a bit in the shoulder with a blade; Cloud managed to dodge the blade a bit but it still got him slightly. That only made Zidane more angry, he began to see red, literally...While he was distracted by that, his attackers knocked him down again.

"Any last words, you little monkey-tailed freak?"

That was the last straw. Zidane rolled away quickly, got up, and then yelled, "You damn monsters! Leave me and Cloud alone!!!" At that very moment, whatever-it-was deep inside him...broke free. He cried out in surprise. It was an...incredible power...that surged through him. It took away his fatigue...he felt a lot stronger...and...the anger seemed to slip from his mind, though he could still feel it. It was like if he was once removed from his feelings; not quite a trance, but close. The creeps backed away a bit. Zidane noticed that his hands were Never mind! I gotta try and save Cloud! He easily managed to get rid of his tormenters; suddenly they were just too slow. Wow! What IS this, I wonder? He noticed Cloud was looking at him with some surprise and delight. "Good for you" his face seemed to say.

He ran over in that direction, but one of the leaders jumped in front of him.

"It stops here, you freak!"

They fought. Stuck, gotta get over there! Gotta get Cloud loose! A word suddenly jumped into his mind..."Dyne"? Backing away a bit and blocking, he thought about it...Like if he'd remembered a line he'd forgot in a play, he somehow remembered a inner dance. Reaching inside, he started it...after the first step, he remembered the second, and so on. Without realizing why, he spread his arms wide while he drew a power he'd never known before from somewhere inside him, while a couple of words echoed through his mind, as from far away: "Free Energy". He let whatever-it-was go, and the guy screamed and was knocked out.

I'd better not do that again... he thought, for he could feel that that trick had taken more mental strength than he was used to. Better not push it too far; if it's anything like magic, I'd rather not be flat on my back, thanks! He got to Cloud and used his dagger to slash through net and rope quick; Cloud got out. There was a scream.

"Look out! He's loose!"

The main leader of the gang came up. "That's as far as you go. You two aren't getting out of here alive..."

"Who says?" Cloud said in a very icy tone of voice. "You've had it!"

He raised his weapon; sideways at first, then so it was straight up and down and the point was above his head. As he did so, a whirlwind of white light swirled around him. A miniature ball of light, like a star, then glowed on the top of his sword. Some rays of light shot out. He then ran up to the idiot and started slashing...there was a green trail of light trailing behind his sword. After about the fifth slash, Zidane lost track, but it was a lot of slashes. Suddenly, Cloud jumped up and moved his arms so his sword was over one shoulder and behind him. The tip glowed again like a miniature star with a swooshing noise; he brought the sword over his shoulder and slashed down with a loud noise. The guy fell down, unconscious. One of the kids reached out and threw some Phoenix Down on him.Bringing him back, eh? Hope he isn't still mad.. The boss of the Tronark Gang said, "Let's get out of here...too ain't worth it..." They helped their boss up and ran away.

Cloud took out a rag, cleaned his sword, and sheathed it. Whew! Never expected that, but I'm proud of him for discovering that he could do Alanna's trick of "taking it to the next level". Heh, I bet that's what power that Bahamut sensed... "You okay?"

"Yeah." The glow disappeared in a shower of sparks; Zidane was shaking a bit. Yes, he'd been hurt some, but that was easily remedied...

"Can you please come over here, I'd better use the Cure spell...on both of us. They wern't playing nice..."

"Yup. What was that attack you used on the boss, anyway?"

"Oh, that? That was Omnislash."

"Why didn't you use that in the first place?"

Cloud sighed. "Well, for one, it's a special kind of an attack that only people from my world can do. It's called a Limit...anyway, it's easier to do that kinda attack when I'm furious. I could do it without getting mad, but it takes longer to build up for it then..."

"Oh, I get it. You wern't mad then!"

Cloud nodded. "Anyway, even if I'd decided to try using it without getting mad, it'd take too long. I'd get clobbered before I could actually do it."

Zidane nodded and came closer. Soon as he was close enough, Cloud called upon the All Materia and the Master Magic to cast a mid-level Cure spell since he knew the price of casting a spell like that on more than one target...or in this case, person. He heard Zidane gasp softly. Guess he felt the difference... He turned out to be right, for Zidane said, "That wasn't quite the same as last time..."

"You're right. I used a slightly stronger version that time..."

"Oh...why use a stronger version when you didn't need to?"

"Didn't you know? When you cast a spell upon multiple targets, it's weakened. I usually cast a bit of a stronger spell then to make up for it."

"Gotcha. Hey the bread got ruined..." It had too, in the scuffle the basket had been crushed and the bread had either been stepped on or reduced to crumbs.

"Darn it. Well, that's replaceable." You're not though. Don't think they'll bother you again after that. "Anyway, you'd better have a word with Alanna as soon as you can."


"She can do that trick you just did too; she called it "taking it to the next level". She mentioned once that erm...power has to be controlled a bit; you'd better learn how fast before..."

Zidane's eyes widened a bit. "Oh, now I get it. Don't worry, I'll talk to her."

It didn't take long for them to replace the bread and the basket, though after that...they both were a mess and the baker commented on that. Cloud could tell that Zidane didn't like it, so after they got what they needed...they both went home for a much-needed bath and change of clothes.

The next day, they took what was left (Cloud had gotten rid of the furniture; he was planning to leave soon for good anyway) and went to meet Alanna at the gate. She nodded at them.

"Ready? Let's get da heck out ah here!" She smiled.


They both nodded and they left Treno...for her airship, of course. They were lucky this time; no monsters pounced on them. It didn't take them long to get on Alanna's airship. Alanna removed her keys from one pocket and undid the locks on the chains that chained up the controls of her airship. Then she removed the chains and uncermoniously dumped them in a corner. Then she grabbed hold of the controls.

"Okay, we're flyin' outta here. Hang on!" She pulled a lever; the engines purred into life. The next second, Cloud could feel the ship under him rise into the air; then they were off. The Angel's Wing wasn't as fast as Cid's Highwind, but they were making good time. Alanna handled the controls like a master; Cloud admitted to himself that he wouldn't know how to handle these. Never flew an airship, even when I was with ShinRa anyway. Cid always did that. He was enjoying the ride, however. They chatted on the way about things; Zidane wasn't too anxious to get back to Tantalus, though he felt he had to. Wonder why?

It wasn't long before they came up to a big, circular thing. "South Gate. It's a gate for airships." Alanna said. "Okay..." she murmured to herself as she switched on a device above her head, " security lax today or not?"

It turned out that the people who were at the gate wern't being lazy that day. A voice that came out of one of the horns in the clumsy looking device said, "Airship, identify yourself!"

Alanna looked up at the device. "This is da Angel's Wing, owned by Alanna Alys Mustokova an' Mavya Javvins."

"Where are you headed?" the voice demanded.

"Ta Lindbulm...goin' home."

"Okay then." The disk wall in front of them opened, like a gate. "Pass on then, and may fortune be with you!" Alanna shut the device off and they flew through the gate. It wasn't long after that when they came upon a....castle that Cloud thought was impossibly too big?

"Well, here we are. Lindbulm."

Zidane was obviously as surprised as Cloud, for he said. "Wow! I've never seen Lindbulm from above before..."

Alanna turned her head slightly and winked at Zidane. "What? Ya hid below deck in that big theater ship when ya were with Tantalus?" Zidane nodded. "Well, that's okay. It's great from above, eh?"

"Yeah! I'm not hiding below deck ever again..."

Alanna winked again. "Good for you. Well, we'd better land...inside this time."

Cloud then said, "Wha? You can land inside?"

"Yeah, they got da only indoor airship docking yard that I know ah." She pulled some controls and they flew in. The town was really inside this...fortress. They went through a irised gate and landed by a real airship dock. They got off; Alanna nodded to the guard, which was a bit grouchy and demanded to see "the ownership papers". Alanna promptly got some papers out of her pocket and showed them to the guard. The guard apologized (he'd thought Alanna had stolen the airship) and let them go.

Zidane then nodded to Cloud. "I'd better get going..."

"I gotcha. I'll ask Alanna where the hideout is so we can chat later." Zidane nodded, then ran off. He's perfectly safe here. I'm sure of that. He turned to Alanna.

"Alanna? You goin' home too?"

"Well, I gotta make sure ya got a place ta stay, so we'll go ta Mavya's house--that's the noble gal I saved--first. Maybe she'll be willing ta wheedle her dad inta letting ya crash there. Ya gonna be here long?"

Cloud shook his head. "I'm just gonna give Zidane a few days to settle in, then I'd better go."

"Time ta call You-Know-Who and leave, right?" she said softly.

Cloud nodded. "Let's go."

Lucky for him this time, Mavya was willing to help her friend out. She got her dad to let Cloud have the spare room; otherwise he was on his own. Alanna gave Cloud a map of the city since it was easy to get lost in here; it was a huge town. Why, it was so big, you had to ride a special airship to get between the four districts in town! She explained she lived in the Industrial District and exactly where she was going to meet him tomorrow(a bar not too far from where the hideout was; Alanna explained she was going to go get Zidane and bring him there) After she explained that, Alanna headed home.

The next day, they met at the bar that Alanna had mentioned. Cloud noticed she looked like--and seemed to be--a guy at the moment when she turned up. Got her usual disguise on then., he thought. He nodded, remembered to call her 'Alan' for the moment, and then she excused herself for a while. When she came back, she seemed to be a bit flustered, but Zidane was with her. He was walking a little funny. When he got closer, Cloud could see why. Someone had beaten Zidane.

Cloud's eyes widened a bit. "Zidane, what happened?"

"Baku tanned my hide for running off like that..."

"He beat you?"Yikes, Alanna wasn't kidding earlier when she said Baku was rough...

"Yea, but I realized something while he was doing it...I really belong in Tantalus."

Hmm...found his Promised Land, kind of? During a beating? Well, not my place to judge. Don't wanna judge their way of disciplining kids, either. Not my place to yell about it though... "Boy, he really did get you good, didn't he?" Zidane nodded. "I know he punished you, but would you mind if I used Cure on you so you don't hurt so much?"

"Yeah, thanks!" Cloud went ahead and cast the spell; after he finished, he could hear Zidane sigh with relief. Bet he hurt! They went and sat on the barstools and got some root beer.

Alanna nodded to Zidane.

"Sorry ta have ta show myself like this, but you know Baku..."

Zidane nodded. "He still doesn't know that you're disguising yourself!" he whispered.

"Yup. 'Tanyway, we'll have ta go back ta my place for a while ta train. Can't do that with Baku around; I think he knows the difference between swordstaves as it is."

Zidane nodded. Cloud then said, "Zidane...I think it's almost time for me to get moving...."

Zidane looked at him, a bit sad. "Awww...but I know, you have to or else..."

Wish I didn't have to go, but the way Nora talked, it's unavoidable. I'm gonna miss him, the scamp... "Yeah. I don't just wanna disappear on you. Could happen..." I'll just let him fill in the rest. "...but I'm gonna wait a couple of days. Might be dangerous, but..."

Zidane nodded. "I gotcha."

They continued to discuss when and set up a time, so that Zidane could meet them at the airship dock. Alanna explained to Zidane (though she was mostly fibbing to cover Cloud's butt) that she was going to take him somewhere so he could wait it out quietly until the 'Powers that Be' decided to take Cloud away. Then they parted ways. Cloud went to go check out the market. Alanna and Zidane headed for the air cabs so they could go to the Industrial District (and practice the swordblade in her back yard, no doubt).

The day came. Cloud headed for the airship dock and met Alanna before he got there. Just as they got to the airship, Zidane ran in.


"Hey there Zidane. Was just about to get going though..."

Zidane nodded. "Do you think...we'll ever see each other again?"

Cloud shook his head. "Don't think so. Usually when I leave a world, it's for good. I miss the friends I made on Ramza's world...I've never been able to go back, though."

"I guess this is bye then..." He looked a bit upset. Cloud understood why. He was going to miss Zidane, and it was obivous that Zidane was going to miss him. Suddenly, he got an idea.

Wait a second...maybe there's something I can do. I think Aeris would approve... "Just a second. Just because I miss them doesn't mean I don't remember friends that I left behind. That's all you can do...there's no real way for me to contact you once I get home."

"You mean it?"

"Yeah but..." he reached into his pack and dug out the Carbon Bangle that had once belonged to Aeris. "...I want you to have this."

"Whatever for?"

"To remember me by. This once belonged to Aeris, but I once used one like this at one time. I've got better armor now."

"That was...Aeris's?"

Cloud nodded. "I saved it for a memento, though now...I don't know why I keep it. Anyway, just don't forget me. I won't forget you, I promise. It's all anyone can do when this kinda thing happens." At least I can keep that promise once I get my memory fixed.

Zidane nodded back. "I won't, don't worry." He took the bangle and put it in a pocket; then they clasped hands for the last time. Cloud waved as he picked up his pack and boarded the Angel's Wing with Alanna. As soon as they got in the cockpit, they took off, leaving Zidane behind.

Alanna grinned. "I know just da spot...remember?"

Cloud smiled back. "Yeah, you told me that you knew of a place that no one in their right mind would go to."

"Yeah, da Ice Cave...da end by a certain forest. You'll see."

It took an hour to get where Alanna had wanted to go. She landed; this time she didn't reach for the chains. Cloud asked, "Why aren't you chaining it up?"

"There's nobody 'round here ta steal it, Cloud. Let's go."

Cloud nodded, grabbed his pack, and they got off the airship. They were over near a cave. Behind him was some woods. Cloud started to go toward the woods, but Alanna grabbed his arm.

"Don't go in there. That's Evil Forest! Nobody's made it out alive...we're heading ta da Ice Cave instead."

Cloud didn't need to be told twice. She added, "Better have yer sword out, Cloud. We're in da thick ah the Mist an' you never know what may jump out..."

Cloud nodded. They entered the cave. There was a couple of minor encounters with monsters; these were quickly dealt with. After they got to the second room, Alanna said, "I think we've gone far enough. Don't need ta go all the way ta the top, you know."


"This cave leads above da mist. Most people just fly, though, so it's never used...besides, there's only a little farming village above us. Who'd wanna go there unless yer a trader? And traders usually have airships anyway."

Cloud laughed. She was right. "Okay, let's get this over with.", he said. He felt a silly tear trickle down one cheek as he reached for the orange materia. Alanna noticed and asked, "What's wrong?"

Cloud answered, "I'm gonna miss that...scamp. I know I gotta go, but it's still hard..."

Alanna put one hand on Cloud's shoulder. "I know how ya feel. You and him got ta be pretty close. Leaving friends behind's hard. I promise I'll remind Zidane that 'he prolly misses you too' if he says something about it."

Cloud wiped away the tear and smiled. "Thanks, Alanna." He concentrated on the materia in his hand, calling Nora for the last time. Even though Alanna was around, it didn't take much convincing for Nora to show up--physically this time. She didn't float this time. She stood there on the ice. Cloud noticed that Alanna only looked a little startled.

Nora then raised her head and said, "Cloud, you needed me?"

Cloud nodded. "I think it's over I right?"

Nora nodded. "That it is. I admit, the way that last fight ended surprised me. I was cheering you two on...but I didn't expect Zidane to find that...power...for a few more years. Oh well!"

Alanna grinned. "Guess ya can be surprised sometimes! I'd hate ta think ya were totally infallible!"

Nora grinned back. "Well, it's not mine to know everything there is. There are always things that can surprise one, even if one knows the future. Cloud, anything you want to ask before I open the way home for you?"

"I just wanted to Zidane gonna be all right?"

Nora smiled. "Don't worry, he will be. Baku may be a bit mean, but Zidane'll live and fulfill his destiny in the end. You did well."

Cloud nodded. Nora continued, "For future reference, let me give you a hint: I spoke to my sister. She told me that when Chaos is finally destroyed, your friend Vincent will know because of the connection between them. Once Vincent tells you that that awful...creature is gone it will be safe to mention the Guardians. That is, if you and Zidane ever meet again. I thought you might want to know just in case."

"Will we?"

"I don't know for certain. There's a part of the future when Zidane gets in the adventure that causes him to save the world that is clouded to me. All I know is that it's the final part of the adventure. My guess is in that last part I must get involved. It's very possible the reason I can't see that part very clearly is the fact that I can't see my own future. The Council of Twelve knows and has said they'll help, for they told me there's no other way."

"And how will I know?" Alanna asked.

Nora smiled. "Easy enough. The adventure will begin when Tantalus is asked to kidnap a princess. Soon after that, the Mist will disappear for a while, then reappear worse than ever, and then it will disappear again, that time for good. That's how you will know, lady thief."

Alanna nodded. Nora then said, "Ready to go home, Cloud?" He nodded. She raised one arm, hummed a bit, and carelessly tossed a ball of light Cloud's direction; Cloud guessed she'd removed the freeze she had placed on his ageing when the adventure had first begun, so he didn't say anything. "Wait until the portal turns to the color of the Lifestream before you run for it. If you don't, the result could be...unfortunate."

Nora then reached for the chain around her neck, pulled out a heavy looking and ornate pendant out of her clothes, and sang two words. Cloud didn't know what they meant, but the necklace shimmered and changed...into a staff, with a big circle on top. There were two stars on it as well, one inside the other. The inner one had some deep cracks in it, however. She raised the staff and began to sing again. Cloud was able to make out three words, though they didn't make sense; "Chronos vai Triiger". Most of the rest he didn't catch, though it was a very nice song. A dark circle formed on the ground in front of her; a glowing white star appeared in the center. It opened up into a shimmering circle. Then the tune of her song changed. She seemed to make some kind of plea; there was an answering call as from very far away. The two harmonized and sung together. The shimmering circle changed from white to blue, then to the color of the Lifestream. Once that happened, she stopped singing and started humming. Cloud turned to Alanna, waved goodbye, then stepped into the portal that Nora had created. Then there was blackness for a time...then he found himself behind the Pharmacy, where this adventure had begun. A lady that reminded him of Nora stood before him, humming. She stopped; the lifestream settled down and the portal closed.

She then said, "I am Tara...Nora told me. I know you're in a hurry right now, but if you could call me later on, I will restore your memory. I'm sorry about this..." She talked more softly than Nora. Cloud thought Tara reminded him of a wild bird, since she was trembling and obviously wanted to run away. Don't wanna scare her, she's scared enough. If this's how most Guardians act, no wonder people don't know about them!

He then said, "It's okay. I'd better get Goldie and get home...soon as I get some batteries for my cell phone."

Tara nodded and disappeared. Cloud came out from behind the Pharmacy, ran for the general store, and bought some batteries, which he promptly put in his cell phone. Putting the cell phone where he could get it, he left Mideel and whistled. A gold 'bush' stood up, became a chocobo, and said "Wak? Wak? Warrrk!!" and ran up to Cloud. Cloud scratched the chocobo behind the ear tufts. It had a bridle. "Hey there Goldie!" he said, and mounted.

He sighed and then said, "Let's go home, Goldie. Giddyap!"

It wasn't long before Mideel was behind him. Good to be home...but...I'm not gonna forget you, Zidane. May we meet again sometime...

Back on Gaia, Nora appeared in her cave. She murmured, "Whew. All the promises and my oath have been kept, thank the Light." She touched a part of the wall. It became transparent. There, in the wall, was a silver bow with crystal tips and a quiver of arrows that looked like they wre made out of diamond, crystal, and silver. She reached through the wall to touch the bow; at her touch, it behaved like water, except water didn't just sit there like stone.

She sighed. It would of been a lot easier for me just to shoot a few arrows to save Zidane. But that's forbidden...the Council gave me some leeway, but I can't use my weapon skill to help him...

She yanked her hand away from the bow and out of the wall. The wall turned back to normal; her hand was still dry, however. She then turned around and then gazed at the floating crystals. "Don't worry, ye wronged ones!", she murmured. "The day is swiftly coming when I will be able to set things right..." May it come soon!, she thought. I don't know how much more of this nonsense I can take...Necron, ye who is Chaos in another guise, it's all your fault that I had to do what I didn't want to do...

Gaia, six years later...

Zidane walked out of the Lindbulm Inn and stretched. Vivi had ran off a bit ago. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. It was nice to see Freya last night., he thought. Been a while...anyway, I know I should go to the hideout and let Baku know I made it but...been wanting a swordstaff for a while and I think I finally got the gil to get it made. I also found some of the weapons I'll need to get it done, too. He smiled to himself. I think I'll go down to the armory and go get what I need...then to the blacksmith. He smiled at a pretty girl that went by, then ran up the street and around the corner. As he ran, he thought: Alanna said before she left on that trip around the world that I was better than her. She was proud.

Thinking of Alanna reminded him of the time when Baku had finally unmasked her as a girl. He smiled, trying not to laugh. Wasn't funny at the time, but well, I still remember when it happened...

It had been about three months since Cloud had left. Since Baku wouldn't leave 'Alan' alone, I'd taken to meeting Alanna at the bar at a specified time and then we went to her house for training. We'd just gotten there and were doin' the usual when it happened. I had gotten turned around just right and saw Baku standing there, looking angry and shocked. I said "Uh-oh!"

Alanna had then asked, "What uh-oh?" She signaled a halt and looked around...and saw Baku."Uh-oh for sure! Baku, get your butt over here!"

He ran over and said, "ALAN! But you're a girl!"
"Darn right I'm a girl. Always have been, I just know disguises real good."

He turned, like he was going to yell at me, but Alanna put her hand on his shoulder. "What, have ya got a quarrel with him...or is it me? Think about it, ya old thief!"

He did and decided that his quarrel was with Alanna, not me. She told me to go get behind the pell if it bothered me, and explained to Baku, "Sheesh, don't call 'im a coward. He respects both ah us, ya can't 'spect 'im ta wanna watch...just too painful..."

From what I heard, it came to "settling it with the blade", I wasn't surprised, but I didn't watch the fight and was pretty upset with the whole thing. There was a lot of noise, then Alanna yelled "HA! Gotcha!" That's when I looked. Somehow Alanna had managed to disarm Baku and get him on his back on the ground. He turned out not to be badly hurt...except for his pride...He respected Alanna after that and was glad that she had started teaching me...

Those were the times, those were sure the times. After that, Alanna often came to the hideout without the guy disguise on to teach. Heh, it's a shame she got Mavya to get her that boat and left the Angel's Wing behind...I don't know Mavya well enough to borrow that airship though.

He got to the fountain, flirted a bit with a girl that went by (he'd gotten really good at that game) and got to the armory rather quickly. As he walked in, something caught his eye. It was a really old, rusty suit of armor like a certain knight he knew wore...Oh, yuk., he thought. He then muttered under his breath, "What a cheesy suit of armor...Who would buy this crap?" Yeek, that stuff's really bad. Why does Steiner use that rusty crap? Besides, he SMELLS! Doesn't he ever take a bath?! Though I didn't smell too good either before last night...couldn't be helped. He had to resist the urge to give the armor a kick. He decided it was better to ignore that trashy armor and get his business done. Just as he passed that nasty looking armor, he noticed something out of the corner of one eye on the wall. He turned to get a better look. It was...
...a big sword...on the what Cloud used to use...

Oh my! Where'd they get that? He didn't realize he'd come closer to that wall until he'd already done it.

"I remember a guy with spiky hair who carried something like this.", he breathed. Oh, yes he remembered. The guy who'd jumped into his life...taught him a lot and protected him when Zidane couldn't do it himself...and then left. You taught me so much, you spiky-head. Helped me reach deeper than I'd ever been able to reach before. He reached in his pocket and fingered something which his new friends would of wondered about if they ever saw it. It was a bangle made of carbon steel with three indentations in it. Two of them were connected by a strange channel. Hadn't thought much about him for years...boy, I still miss him a bit...we were really good was the first time I found anyone who really understood...

He smiled, shook himself out of the memory, and then thought fiercely: Cloud, you spiky-head, you'd have better made it home okay. If I ever find you and you're dead, I'll kill you again! Then he turned to go to the front counter...and to get what he needed.

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