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Square Enix Conference Details


Square Enix

Square Enix told the public what they would be expecting in the upcoming months, and at E3 in their press conference on Monday. Square Enix opened the conference emphasizing the importance of polymorphic content. Games like Full Metal Alchemist, and Code Age Commanders are jumping media, from manga, anime, and mobile gaming and other content inbetween. Square Enix believes that this is their future.

Square Enix released more information on Kingdom Hearts II. Sora and company will be riding the Black Pearl, as the realistic Pirates of the Carribean will be yet another world that Sora will visit on his quest. Seen in the trailer is the elusive Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp in the movie. It is unknown at this time if Johnny Depp will be providing the voice.

Unveiled at the conference were two new games. World of Mana, and Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. At this time it is unknown what platform World of Mana will be released for. Final Fantasy VII:: Crisis Core, is confirmed as an action RPG for the Sony PSP.

Fans of Square Enix's Final Fantasy franchise will be upset to hear that Final Fantasy XII will not be seen in playable form at the E3 conference this year. The company confirmed that the game will be seen only in video format.

Square Enix remarked on the Dear Friends Concert, to take place that night, calling it a debut. At this time it is unknown as to why the concert would be considered a debut.

In business world Square Enix discussed the plans for the North American branch of its online store. The RPG giant plans to include new wares and content on the website for North American consumers. Square Enix also released sales information for Dragon Quest VIII. The game is said to have sold over 40 million copies in Japan.

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Full Metal Alchemist | Kingdom Hearts II | Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core | Final Fantasy XII | Dragon Quest VIII
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